Simply Relationships – Fundamental Attribution Error

“Never attribute to malice what could adequately be explained by ignorance” Over the years we spend with a person we come to believe certain things about them, not all of them good. For example, we may see our partners as “lazy”, “inconsiderate”, or “self-absorbed”. Although these unflattering beliefs can be problematic in themselves, there is […]

Simply Relationships – Filling the Love Tank

“Sometimes all you need is a hug from the right person and your stress will melt away” Valentine’s Day can go either way. At its best, it can create deep feelings of gratitude for your partner and your relationship. At its worst, it can highlight everything you feel is wrong or missing in your love […]

Thoughts on Family for the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

By Dr. Amanda Stoner It seriously is for me, the most wonderful time of the year. I love Christmas! And this year, I am feeling especially grateful for the gift of family. I am so excited to travel to Ontario where my family lives, where we will celebrate Christmas together. However, I realize that this […]