Simply Social Media – Comparison – Part Two: Positive Change

Even though education and awareness are growing around this particular danger, understanding that it is happening doesn’t always translate into stopping the comparison behaviour. This likely comes down to the fact that much of this comparison is happening outside our conscious awareness, and therefore, generally outside of our control.  We are constantly, and subconsciously, building […]

Simply Social Media – Comparison Part One: Understanding

“Comparison is the thief of joy” Theodore Roosevelt The parallel rise in mental health concerns and social media use has not gone unnoticed to most. I think a lot of us are at least vaguely aware of an association between social media use and mental health problems, even in our own lives. There are several […]

Simply Social Media – Doom-Scrolling

When research comes out around the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes, the news usually isn’t good. In fact, most of us know by now that spending too much time on social media isn’t good for us. One of the social media use patterns that has been identified as problematic is called […]

Simply Social Media – Adolescents

Depression and anxiety are a relatively common mental health concern and rates are only growing, especially among the young. Considering the parallel growth of social media use and these mental health concerns, a lot of people have been looking into a link between them.  Although it is very difficult to prove causation, studies have linked […]